Dr Emily Setty

Emily is a Lecturer in Criminology at the University of Surrey. Her research interests are in young people’s experiences of sex and relationships, in digital and non-digital contexts. She conducts primary research directly with young people to explore their perspectives and experiences, in particular regarding the risks and harms they face connected with sex and relationships. Emily works closely with a range of frontline experts and stakeholders to understand how educational interventions can better address the challenges that young people face and empower young people to have healthy, happy and ethical relationships. Emily’s monograph Risk and Harm in Youth Sexting Culture: Young People’s Perspectives presents a youth-centered analysis of privacy and consent in nude digital image sharing among young people. She is currently involved in several research projects to explore harmful sexual behaviours and online harms among young people.
As part of the project, Emily is exploring how girls’ and young women’s (im)mobilities unfold within contemporary digital media spaces and networked peer social contexts.